Dining Out For Life 2012 (Visit http://www.diningoutforlife.com/vancouverisland)
On Thursday, March 29th, thousands of islanders will fill their plates to fight AIDS. 65 restaurants will donate 25% of your food bill to AIDS Vancouver Island. Invite your friends, colleagues and family to join you to dine out and fight aids for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner! Diners will have the chance to win a luxury cruise for two courtesy of Expedia CruiseShipCenters (Vancouver Island) and Azamara Club Cruises. As well, Stella Artois will donate $1 from every sale of their beer in participating restaurants on March 29th.
Email: communications@avi.org
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Hits: 368
Date Added: Wed Mar 14 2012
Last Modified: Thu Mar 22 2012
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